How Do You Choose the Right Tools to Tell Your Story?

I recently spent a day doing a seminar with a talented group of Sales and Marketing MBA students from the University of Salzburg, Austria, entitled

Communicating A Successful Business Story In the 21st Century.” 

Yes, a large topic and one which prompted a lively discussion. The students all worked for global businesses and the most prominent question they had was the following;

“With all the different and new ways to communicate to our clients or customers, how do we choose the right tools or platforms to market and promote our business story?”

My clients ask me the same thing. With the vast options available to attract one’s audience from print materials, email, websites, blogs, newsletters, videos, PR, advertising, presentations, seminars, workshops, direct mail telemarketing, to internet marketing and social media (which of course is driving this communications revolution) it’s easy to overwhelmed.  And ask  “Is this all getting too far ahead of me?”

Breathe. The good news is this. No matter what new avenues they come up with to communicate, it is still about the STORY you tell. Communications is STILL primarily about CONTENT, and content that your client, customer or audience really wants to hear!\
So for most of us, there are really just three things that we need to research first and foremost–

  1. Who is the audience you want to attract?
  2. How do they like to communicate?
  3. What communication tools do they use?

If you’re a financial advisor and your market is retired people over 50, research the tools that age group uses. Same for selling tea, cars, real estate, marketing services to entrepreneurs, or even looking for a job or communicating more effectively to your employees.

There is certainly great value in reading about and researching how communications, and particularly social media is evolving, because it really is the Wild West out there, and the latter is a living breathing organism that is transforming how we connect with each other. No turning that back. But–know that without a good story, nobody cares. CONTENT is still KING — so research the tools that your audience uses, and then work on your story. It may be a brave new world but the best story still wins!

What’s Your Story? And do you have a Story that your audience really wants to hear?

Diana Bishop has been telling the great stories of World Events, Statesmen,  Leaders and Businesses as a professional journalist with some of the most respected broadcast networks on the planet. Now, Diana can do the same for you or your business through The Success Story  Program™.  Contact for more information, and to send you our  Success Story Scorecard to help you assess your situation and clarify your goals.